Tales from Two Rivers: Learn How to Share Your Perspective through Digital Storytelling
River Views: Digital Stories about Farms, Fish, and Floods
Application period extended to January 2022!
We have a unique opportunity to capture individual perspectives from people living in the Stillaguamish and Snohomish River Basins. We want you to help us find the voices that need to be heard! Is it yours? Your neighbor’s?
Participants will learn how to draft and create their story through digital storytelling and produce a two to three minute video. No experience is necessary! All training will be provided (see dates below).
Space is limited to a maximum of 12 people. Please apply by January 17.
This project will be similar to the Photovoice Project from 2017 tied to the Agriculture Resilience Plan (view photos here).
The flow of the digital storytelling process with Creative Narrations
The five REQUIRED online trainings will occur over two weeks in late january/early february 2022:
Monday, January 24
Wednesday, January 26
Friday, January 28
Monday, January 31
Friday, February 4
Training sessions will occur from 12-2 pm. Eating while learning is encouraged.
It is important that participants attend all five sessions.
Participant Requirements:
12 participants will be selected: half from Stillaguamish Basin, and half from Snohomish Basin.
Participants should represent all components of Sustainable Lands Strategy (agriculture, salmon, and floodplains) but do not necessarily have to be a partner or current participant.
Participants will need to commit to attending all Zoom sessions and expect to spend at least three to five hours working independently (writing and editing their stories and editing their videos) outside of the group sessions. Facilitators will be available for one-on-one support if needed.
Participants must have a computer with reliable internet and headphones.
Participant Benefits:
Engage with your local community about things that matter to you!
Learn video editing skills.
Share your story.
Participants will receive a stipend of $75 per session.
Opportunity to show off your video through hosted film showings around Snohomish County. Ideally a third of the group would present their videos and talk about their experience at each event. A virtual film showing may also happen if there are still COVID restrictions.
View two examples of digital storytelling from Creative Narrations, our project partner and contractor, below.
Your workshop hosts will be Jen Nowicki Clark and Antoinette Angulo of Creative Narrations. You can learn more about them here: https://www.creativenarrations.net/who-we-are/our-team/.
Space is limited to a max of 12 people and not all that register will be accepted. Please apply by January 17 close of business to be considered. Lindsey Desmul with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will contact you by January 18 on whether or not you have been confirmed.
For more information, please email Kari Quaas with Snohomish Conservation District: kquaas@snohomishcd.org or Lindsey Desmul: lindsey.desmul@dfw.wa.gov .
Logo of Creative Narrations
Questions people have asked:
Do I need to live in Snohomish County? No. If you have experience with either river —living near, working with, growing up on — you qualify.
Do I need a Google account to apply. No.
Do I need to attend all five sessions? Yes.