Our highlighted work
With so many rivers running through Snohomish County, it is no surprise that many residents, farmers, and species–including our native salmon–face challenges from seasonal flooding. Property can be damaged, fields and livestock put at risk, and important riparian habitat can sometimes be destroyed. However, floodplains provide many social, economic, cultural, and environmental benefits.
Learn more about the efforts of the SLS Communications group to further the work of SLS awareness.
We have launched our new website! Please take a look, and utilize this website to share what Sustainable Lands Strategy is and does.
Nick Bratton explains Transfer of Development Rights, aka TDR.
Farmers, fishermen, and families gathered at Hazel Blue Acres on September 8 for the second and final part of our “Tales of Two Rivers” film festival.
Sustainable lands strategy Video Library
Below are the big three videos that touch on flooding, farming, and fish. The interplay between these three topics is what brings SLS partners to the table. Beyond them, we have a whole collection of Special Topics within our county, and resident-created stories called Tales of Two Rivers. Our stories bring us together and help us be motivated to get work done. Learn more about us through our stories.
Press Coverage

If this dike fails, Stanwood goes underwater
Cow pie power! Monroe manure-to-energy project expands
By necessity, local farmers grow resilient to climate change
Restoring the River: Groups chart complicated path forward for Stillaguamish salmon
Setting the Table for Fish, Farms, and Floodplains
Quality of life in our region depends upon the quality of the Sound’s environment
Puget Sound farm group shifts approach to saving crop land
To expand salmon habitat, county floods farmland
Commentary: Finding common ground that sustains our future
Smith Island tidal marsh reclamation is well underway
White House recognizes Puget Sound, Snohomish County work
Cooperative work will meet needs of farms, fish
“Let’s try to help one another - our fears are very similar, in that we don’t want to lose what we love, we don’t want to lose what’s important to us. Let’s work together as partners so we don’t have to be afraid. ”