New Floodplains by Design Funding Begins
In December of 2022 and in June of 2023, we wrapped up a long list of communications and outreach accomplishments under both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Near Term Action (NTA) grant, as well as the Floodplains by Design 19-21 grant. The list is long and includes:
12 digital stories about the Snohomish and Stillaguamish Basins
Two in-person Special Topic Sessions at Leque Island and Qualco Digester
Two film festivals featuring six stories each and panels of our filmmakers
A brand new Sustainable Lands Strategy website - - including a video introduction to SLS, five vignettes videos about partners in this work, an interactive project map, and a refresh to our previous website now housed at to share future events and tell stories
Eight quarterly SLS newsletters
Five community-engaged sessions called Carbon Crushers on Soil, Trees, Livestock, Water, and Technology
Swag including shopping bags, stickers, business cards, table runner, and stand up banner
“Life in the Floodplain” video
Farm to Table dinner held at The Lodge at Sonneveldt Vineyard in March 2023
Five new display boards featuring floodplain video participants
Two regional presentations about our work at the Salish Sea Conference in April 2022 and the Salmon Recovery Conference in April 2023
Salmon going up stream - one of our recent display boards created during the last grant cycle.
We have now begun a new Floodplains by Design grant 21-23 that will run from now through June 30, 2025. Our focus remains on implementation in the Sultan Reach as well as Swans Trail Slough with projects that support salmon, farming, and flood protection, while increasing the pace and magnitude of integrated benefits over time. We will continue to creatively connect the community to our work through another Digital Storytelling workshop and film showing, farm tours, newsletters, and a podcast series highlighting community engagement and project progress through partnerships and individual perspectives. Our goal overall is to increase the pace, scale, and magnitude of integrated benefits over time through collaboration with our partners.
We invite you to join us on this journey. All are welcome to participate in Sustainable Lands Strategy. Reach out to us for ways to be involved, or sign up for our newsletter to receive updates.