SLS supports partner projects in various ways including writing letters of support to funding organizations, legislators, and decision makers, and bringing together projects to create multi-benefit solutions to difficult problems.
Tales of Two Rivers
Twelve participants gathered virtually to learn how to craft a story and create their own videos. The resulting stories range from 2-5 minutes that encapsulate what it means to be a farmer, watch the decline of native fish, and live in a floodplain.
Introducing the Sustainable Lands Strategy’s IT
The Sustainable Lands Strategy’s new IT consists of technical experts in the fields of floodplain management, agricultural production, and fish/habitat science - all coming together to create a package of projects that will balance the needs of farms, fish, and floods.
Viability by Nicholas Pate, Raising Cane Ranch (taken for 2017 PhotoVoice Project)
Agriculture Resilience Plan
“Resilience” is defined as the ability of something to withstand change or difficulties. Farmers have honed this skill – constantly adapting to changes in markets, regulations, and weather over the years. Now climate change has introduced new difficulties.
Janicki Distiller Project
Partners have come together to support a new technology that can turn cow waste into fertilizers and drinking water for livestock. This technology will revolutionize the way dairy farms will function, removing the need for manure ponds and reducing polluted agricultural runoff. To learn more, click the link below.
Reach-Scale Planning
The purpose of the reach-scale planning effort is to identify a coordinated set of multi-benefit projects that will, when completed, improve natural functions within a river reach while generating a net gain for the farm, fish, and flood management interests.
Stillaguamish Valley Protection Initiative
Sustainable Lands Strategy partners are working to develop a program to protect large blocks of contiguous farmland and reduce development pressure in the Lower Stillaguamish Floodplain. This plan may be folded into the reach-based plan for this area and will aim to protect river frontage, old-growth forest, fish and wildlife habitat, agricultural lands and outdoor recreation.
Snohomish Salmon
The Snohomish River estuary provides an important habitat for salmon making their way from the fresh water of the rivers to the salt water of Puget Sound. Due to decreasing populations, scientists have been collecting data to determine why populations have been dropping as well as ways to increase salmon survival rates.
Seven farms took part in the Photovoice Project hosted by the Snohomish Conservation District and The Nature Conservancy. Through a series of four workshops, participants responded to two questions - "Why is agriculture important to our community?" and "What are the major challenges facing agriculture?" - through photos and discussion.
Snohomish Farmland Conservation Strategy
Farmland in Snohomish County is at risk. As one of the fastest growing counties in the country, we are losing farmland to development and other non-agricultural uses quickly. Agriculture in Snohomish County is a $139.5-million-dollar industry, and Snohomish County residents place significant value on farmland for the many benefits it provides: local food, open space, wildlife habitat, and flood storage. The goal of the Snohomish Farmland Conservation Strategy is to protect our farmland into the future.
A Farmer, A Scientist, and A Tribal member
In December 2016 three members of the community sat down together to discuss the challenges and benefits of collaborating. One is a farmer from the Stillaguamish Valley (Tristan Klesick), one is a salmon scientist and policy maker who worked with NOAA (Will Stelle), and one is a member of the Tulalip Tribes (Terry Williams). Watch the video to listen to their discussion and the important messages they have to share.