Special Topic Video: Local Agriculture and Consumer Behavior in Snohomish County

Session Title: SLS Special Topic Session: Local Agriculture and Consumer Behavior in Snohomish County

Presenters: Kari Quaas (Snohomish Conservation District), Stevie Wallace (Sno-Isle Co-op), Christi Bell (Little Roots Ranch), and Anna Santo (Peak) 

At this Sustainable Land Strategy (SLS) Special Topic Session, we will consider what it takes to support a quality, healthy, and local food system and keep producers in Snohomish County. Presenters include:

  • Sno-Isle Food Co-op's Stevie Wallace will discuss the challenges in securing local food and supporting buying behavior at our regional co-op.

  • Christi Bell of Little Roots Ranch will then address what it's like to be a farmer today and the considerations for her non-perfect produce to get to market.

  • Finally, researcher, Anna Santo, will summarize the results of a 2021 consumer survey focused on local food choices, farmers markets, and CSAs in Snohomish County.

And, here are some of the resources that were shared: