Plan to join us for the Stillaguamish stories! We are excited to have this second film festival highlighting the Stillaguamish films at Hazel Blue Acres on Thursday, September 8 from 5-8pm.
Join us on September 8 for the films focused in the Stillaguamish Basin.
We will enjoy six of the films with a panel of the filmmakers to hear about their experience, and why they chose to tell the stories they did, and what their experience was like.
Food and Beverage:
Food and non-alcoholic beverages provided. Popcorn, too!
5:00 to 6:30pm - Food, networking, and enjoying the farm
6:30pm - Film Showing
7:15pm - Panel of Filmmakers
We will follow COVID-19 protocols, and be in a open barn or outside. There will be lots of room for spacing.
We look forward to sharing these films with you. Previews can be found here -
These Digital Stories were produced in a training supported by: Snohomish Conservation District, Snohomish County, Floodplains by Design, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Sustainable Lands Strategy, and Creative Narrations.
This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PC-01J22301 through the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency or the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.