Floodplains by Design Virtual Tours Held in January 2021 - Snohomish Basin

Partners from Snohomish County, Snohomish Conservation District, Tulalip Tribes and Washington Farmland Trust presented a three part virtual tour covering Shinglebolt Slough, Haskel Slough and Swans Trail Slough, as well as providing the ask for their support of FbD 21-23 and the multiple funding sources, which complement and support this work.

Our guests for the tour on January 7th tour included Senator Ron Muzzall from District 10 and Rachel Dean, the Legislative Aide to Mike Sells of District 38.

Our guests for the January 8th tour included Rep. Carolyn Eslick from District 39 and Rep. Greg Gilday from District 10. We thank them for their time.