SLS Communications Update
For the calendar years, 2021 and 2022, the Sustainable Lands Strategy (SLS) Communications Group will be busy engaging farmers and local residents around the many benefits of SLS projects for farm, fish and flood plain interests. The funding for this outreach comes from two main sources.
Floodplains by Design 2021-2023 for the Snohomish Basin
EPA Near Term Action (NTA) tied to the Stillaguamish Basin
Here is a the goal of the work we’ll be implementing in the next two years:
Build a strategic communication and outreach program that enables partners, landowners, and decision makers to understand the benefits of collaboration around land use decisions in the floodplain to make agriculture, habitat, and communities more resilient.
The SLS logo, which we hope you’ll be seeing around our community and can identify it easily.
SLS YouTube Channel
Recently, we created a channel on YouTube to store collectively the videos that represent the work of our partners in multi-benefit projects. Please enjoy and share with others who might be interested in the collaborative work occurring in Snohomish County to protect farmland, provide fish habitat, and manage the floodplains.
Robin Fay of Washington Farmland Trust talks about the mutually beneficial project at Haskel Slough.
If you want to learn more, please reach out to us at