We're getting a facelift!

The website you are currently on, www.farmfishflood.org, will soon be transforming. With funding from the National Estuary Program’s Near Term Action grant, the SLS Communications Team has hired CaravanLab to help us recreate our public presence.

In February we put the project out to bid and received 13 applications. The Communications Team narrowed that list down to five companies to interview, and was very impressed with the pool of candidates to choose from. If you ever need a web designer, come to us first for recommendations!


The new website will act as an advocacy storyteller, allowing the user to briefly or deeply explore the various perspectives of SLS. Using first-hand stories, interactive data, videos, and other visuals, the goal of this website is to create an interactive online space that explains the importance of agriculture, salmon, tribes, and healthy floodplains in Snohomish County.

The planning process for web design will begin in the next month. If you would like to be part of the planning and design team, please contact Lindsey Desmul at lindsey.desmul@dfw.wa.gov.

NewsSLSwebsite, SLS NTA