Filtering by: Special Topic Meetings

*Rescheduled* Special Topic Session: Snohomish County SWM Floodplain Services (FPS) Program
10:00 AM10:00

*Rescheduled* Special Topic Session: Snohomish County SWM Floodplain Services (FPS) Program

At this Special Topic Session, Snohomish County’s Kit Crump will provide an overview of the Floodplain Services (FPS) program. There will be time for questions and discussion following the presentation.  
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10:00 AM10:00

SLS Special Topic - Critical Areas Ordinance Update (Part 1: AM Overview Session and Part 2: PM Input Session)

  • Snohomish Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Title: Critical Areas Ordinance Update (Part 1: AM Overview Session and Part 2: PM Input Session)

Presenters: Terri Strandberg, Snohomish County, PDS


An update of Snohomish County's Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) is currently underway. The CAO contains development regulations to protect the functions and values of critical areas, as outlined in the Growth Management Act. Critical areas include wetlands, areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, frequently flooded areas, and geologically hazardous areas. Protection standards in the CAO must be based on “best available science” as required in the Growth Management Act and the Shoreline Management Act.


This (optional) Special Topic Session will include two parts:

 Part 1: In the morning (10-11 AM), Terri Strandberg will provide an overview of the current CAO and the update requirements. 

 Part 2: In the afternoon (1:30-2:30 PM), attendees will have the opportunity to provide input regarding which scientific research recommendations should be reflected in the regulations. Attendees are encouraged to review the current code prior to the session. The current CAO is codified in SCC 30.62A, B and C, and in SCC 30.65.


Please forward this invitation along to any colleagues who might like to listen in.

  Join by Zoom

Meeting ID: 872 3104 3372
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10:00 AM10:00

SLS Special Topic - Leque Island Tour

  • Skagit Wildlife Area- Leque Island Unit (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

At this in-person SLS Special Topic Session, Loren Brokaw and Lindsey Desmul, WDFW, will tour the group around Leque Island, located between Stanwood and Camano Island. A large restoration project reintroduced the tides to Leque Island in 2019, and the site is now transitioning toward a salt marsh habitat.

During the tour, the group will walk along an elevated trail on top of a flood protection berm and will then drop down onto the marsh surface to see the new vegetation and tidal channels. If time allows, the group will walk under the highway bridge to the north side of Leque Island where another restoration project will begin construction in August. Participants will see the results of one of the first projects supported by SLS!

Learn more about Leque Island at

SLS Partners and other interested community members are invited to attend this event.

Please register by July 18th, forward this registration along to any colleagues who might like to join, and send questions to

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10:00 AM10:00

Local Agriculture and Consumer Behavior in Snohomish County

  • Snohomish Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You are invited to a Snohomish Sustainable Lands Strategy (SLS) Special Topic Session on Wednesday, 2/23 from 10:00-11:30 AM. Learn more about SLS at


Session Title: SLS Special Topic Session: Local Agriculture and Consumer Behavior in Snohomish County


Presenters: Kari Quaas (Snohomish Conservation District), Stevie Wallace (Sno-Isle Co-op), Christi Bell (Little Roots Ranch), and Anna Santo (Peak) 


At this Sustainable Land Strategy (SLS) Special Topic Session, we will consider what it takes to support a quality, healthy, and local food system and keep producers in Snohomish County. Presenters include:

  • Sno-Isle Food Co-op's Stevie Wallace will discuss the challenges in securing local food and supporting buying behavior at our regional co-op.

  • Christi Bell of Little Roots Ranch will then address what it's like to be a farmer today and the considerations for her non-perfect produce to get to market.

  • Finally, researcher, Anna Santo, will summarize the results of a 2021 consumer survey focused on local food choices, farmers markets, and CSAs in Snohomish County. See the attached survey summary to review the results ahead of the session.

  • Following the presentation, we'll have time for Q&As with our presenters.

Note: Please register in advance for this session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting

Please register for this session, forward the link along to any colleagues who might like to listen in, and send questions to Kari at

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10:00 AM10:00

Farm, Fish, Flood, and Waterfowl. Case Study of a ‘Duck’ Project.

  • Snohomish Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Title: Farm, Fish, Flood, and Waterfowl. Case Study of a ‘Duck’ Project.

Presenters: C.K. Eidem (Ducks Unlimited)

Date: Wednesday, February 9 from 10:00-11:00 AM. 

Ducks Unlimited (DU) is dedicated to the conservation of wetlands and associated upland habitats for waterfowl, other wildlife, and people. In this (optional) special topic session, DU's C.K. Eidem will introduce the basics of waterfowl conservation in Snohomish County. Using a 2017 North American Wetland Conservation Act (NWCA) project as a case study, he will demonstrate how duck conservation intersects with farm, fish, and flood interests in Puget Sound. Specifically, he will discuss how the Snoqualmie Springs Farm tract project installed ~2 miles of riparian buffer on the Snoqualmie River and improved agricultural operations on 120-acres of working farmland.

Recommended viewing: “Waterfowl Migration: Speak Up, Step Up for Conservation” and “Drainage Water Management Structure Conservation

Join by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 899 0746 5908

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10:00 AM10:00

SLS Special Topic Session - Ag Weather Stations

  • Snohomish Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

At this SLS special topic meeting, Linda Neunzig (Snohomish County) will present on the Snohomish County and WSU Ag Weather Station project. Ag weather stations provide real-time weather conditions, rain accumulation and data about soil temperatures, saturation and many other aspects that are important to local farmers’ decision-making. The project has the potential to lead to dramatic water usage reduction using real time data. 

Join us on Wednesday, December 15th at 10:00 AM to learn more.

Participants are encouraged to send questions to before the presentation.

Join us on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 834 0372 1253
Dial in: 1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

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1:30 PM13:30

SLS Special Topic Session - FbD/CIG: Climate & Integrated Floodplain Management (Session 2)

  • Snohomish Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

At this Sustainable Land Strategy special topic session, which is the second of a two part series, UW Climate Impacts Group will:

* Share findings from the “Community Knowledge Assessment”, with a focus on identified technical and capacity-building needs.

* Discuss potential pathways to addressing these needs, specifically through 1) identifying opportunities for coordination with both ongoing and upcoming initiatives by floodplain stakeholders and 2) gauging interest on potential new research/work.

Join us on Wednesday, December 8 at 1:30 PM to learn more.

Participants are encouraged to send questions to<> before the presentation. Please forward this invitation to anyone else who might be interested in attending.

Join by Zoom: Meeting ID: 880 9541 8538

Join by phone: 1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

For this upcoming December 8 SLS Special Topics Session, the UW Climate Impacts Group will be facilitating two (2) breakout group discussions, aimed at identifying opportunities to mainstream climate adaptation into existing Integrated Floodplain Management efforts. This workshop will provide a closer look and an opportunity to provide input on the Adaptation Needs Assessment that was presented at last week’s session. You can view the resource documents that were presented last week at this link  and a recording of the full presentation will be available online through the website soon. 


Breakout group discussions will be organized around five (5) Adaptation Themes, which you can review in the attached handout. Given the limited time we have on Wednesday, you will be asked to select only two out of the five adaptation themes to provide input on. Please use the handout to assess which theme might interest you most. 


For each of the themes you select, breakout group discussions will revolve around the following questions: 

  • What is already being done that builds towards the success of these adaptation actions?


  • Which adaptation action are you most excited about and why? For the actions where there is a lot of interest, are there any challenges to implementing?


  • Are there any adaptation actions that are important, but are missing from this list?


Your input will be used to further refine the Adaptation Needs Assessment, which will be made publicly available early next year. 


Join us via Zoom on Wednesday, December 8 at 1:30 PM to learn more (ID880 9541 8538). If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact

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1:30 PM13:30

SLS Special Topic Session - FbD/CIG: Climate & Integrated Floodplain Management (Session 1)

  • Snohomish Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

At this Sustainable Land Strategy (SLS) special topic session, which is the first of a two part series, UW Climate Impacts Group will:

* Provide a brief summary of the best available climate science/most notable observations for the Sno-Stilly

* Provide an overview of new guidance documents developed by the Climate Impacts Group:

* Climate Adaptation for Floodplain Management: Introductory Guidance

* Complementary Technical Guidance document on quantifying exposure and sensitivity

* Searchable database of climate information resources

* Solicit feedback from group on the usability of these guidance documents, potential improvements, etc.

Join us on Wednesday, December 1 at 1:30 PM to learn more.

Participants are encouraged to send questions to<> before the presentation. Please forward this invitation to anyone else you know who might be interested in attending.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 875 6929 9372

Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

In preparation for the December 1 SLS Special Topics Session, the Climate Impacts Group would like to share new resources, intended to support climate-resilient floodplain management. You can find these resources at this website, or through the links below. 

These documents will be the focus of tomorrow’s discussion and will help frame following conversations on advancing adaptation. 


Join us via Zoom tomorrow at 1:30 PM to learn more (ID: 875 6929 9372).


In addition, the Climate Impacts Groups has also provided a handout that summarizes the findings of an adaptation needs assessment. This document will support the discussion and activities during the December 8 SLS Special Topics Session



Join us via Zoom on Wednesday, December 8 at 1:30 PM to learn more (ID880 9541 8538).


Both presentations will be recorded and posted to the YouTube channel linked on the website. The schedule of future special topics sessions can also be found on the website.


Please contact for any questions or concerns.

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10:00 AM10:00

SLS Special Topic Session: Developing an Index of Floodplain Health

  • Snohomish Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Facilitators: Linda Lyshall, Kristin Marshall, Bennett LaFond, and David Roberts


At this SLS Special Topic Session, Snohomish Conservation District will present an update on the Index of Floodplain Health (aka multi-benefit monitoring) project, including a summary of the SLS Partners initial input to the project that was gathered during the November 3rd, 2021 SLS Partners meeting and the Snohomish County Ag Board meeting. Following the update/report-out, SCD will solicit input from the group on the metrics and indicators for the monitoring framework.


Please RSVP to this invite. Feel free to forward it along to any colleagues who might like to participate in the session.


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Meeting ID: 810 3647 9611

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        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

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1:30 PM13:30

SLS Special Topic Session: Snohomish Estuary Project Prioritization

  • Snohomish Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is setting priorities and building momentum for a future large estuary restoration site in the Snohomish River estuary. This project will assess feasibility and recommend how and where to advance ecosystem restoration on three properties located in historic tidal wetland in the Snohomish River delta. At this SLS special topic meeting, Lindsey Desmul and Loren Brokaw (WDFD) will present on the Snohomish Estuary project prioritization process. Join us on Wednesday, November 10 at 1:30 PM to learn more.

Participants are encouraged to send questions to<> or<>. before the presentation.

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Participate by phone: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 865 3961 8071

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10:00 AM10:00

SLS Special Topic Session: TNC Port Susan Bay Blasting Project

  • Snohomish Conservation District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Port Susan Bay Restoration Team will make a presentation and answer questions regarding their restoration efforts at the TNC Port Susan Bay property in a SLS Special Topic Session on September 22 at 10:00AM - 11:30AM. Participants are encouraged to review the presentation given to the Stillaguamish IT and to send questions to ahead of the meeting. The team will give a short overview of the project and the blasting method and then answer questions.

Feel free to share this invitation with others.

For more information, contact Molly.

Join Zoom Meeting Details Participate by phone: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 853 9187 1597

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